7 SEO Myths You Need to Know

In this article, we will detail some of the serious myths that exist in the SEO market. We will tell you why this assumption is a myth and how promotion to the TOP-10 actually happens. You’ll learn what needs to be done to solve this problem, and what doesn’t make sense and could even jeopardize the project.

1. Any site can be promoted

The search engine manages the algorithm and can modify it as desired. It is important to them that people use search, and its popularity does not decrease.
Therefore, sites that, in the understanding of Yandex and Google, contain complete and detailed answers to user requests, rise to the TOP-10. It’s also important that the site is user-friendly, secure, and the information is verified (see the article on EAT factors on Google ).
An SEO specialist knows the principles search engines use to evaluate sites. His job in promotion is to make sure that the client’s site matches them as best as possible.

2. There is a magic method to get into the TOP-10

As you already know, this is just another SEO myth. Modern search engines rank websites based on hundreds of factors. One factor will give you a less than 1% advantage over your competitors. But not 20-30%, let alone 100%.
Therefore, only large-scale complex work on important groups of factors can yield results. There is no SEO charm or secret technology.

3. If the site is in the TOP-10, then there is nothing to do with it

What will happen if the world champion stops training, leaves the sport and after 5 years decides to enter the ring again? He will lose. It’s the same with the site. Technology does not stand still. Competitors come up with new ways to make their projects more interesting, better, more attractive to visitors.
If you enter the TOP-10 and decide not to develop the site anymore, this will lead to a gradual decline. In addition, it will be more expensive and more difficult to restore a fallen site to its original position than to maintain it, systematically developing the project.
See how to conduct a marketing audit of a competitor’s website . This is just one of the tools that will allow you to identify competitor chips and implement them on your website in a timely manner.

4. SEO can give fast results

In an article on Adblogger.ru about the differences between the Yandex and Google algorithms, there are interesting figures about the number of factors that search engines take into account. Yandex – over 800, Google – over 200. Now, the math is simple: by increasing one factor, you will get +1/200 for overall site ranking on Google and +1/800 for overall ranking on Yandex. This is a very rough calculation because the weights of different factors are different. But for illustration, the idea will work.
Let’s say you need 2 business days to increase one factor. You can change all the factors on Yandex in 1600 days, on Google – in 400 days. After all, it’s been more than a year.
The examples are very arbitrary, but they show that you shouldn’t expect quick results from SEO.
The trick to promoting is that when you do it right and start getting lots of search traffic, it will be cheap. If you are engaged in site development, then it will be difficult to drop you from the TOP-10, because entering it is long and expensive, and not every competitor will be able to invest enough funds, effort and expertise for this.

5. You have to buy a lot of links

Links are still an important factor when promoting on Google, but on Yandex the importance of links has long declined. And buying multiple links is bad. You need to get sufficient number of high quality links to reach the TOP.
For example, if you eat half an apple, you may not be full. If you have two apples, you’ll be fine. And if you eat 2 kg, then you will not feel the best. With links too – everything is fine in moderation.
The link myth has been around for a long time, when search engine algorithms were less complicated and gave in to link pressure. Sites with more links are kept in the TOP-10. If competitors buy more links, they move higher. But those days are long gone and now this technique won’t work.

6. You have to buy perpetual links

Another SEO myth has tolakukan dengan tautan abadi . There are people who believe that perpetual links are a priori good and helpful. In fact, the quality of links and how to get them are not always related. You can buy a permalink on a bad donor and it will work negatively for your project.
This myth is partly due to the fact that a number of sites at one time refused to place exchange codes where rented links were purchased, for fear of being penalized by search engines. But they keep posting perpetual links to expensive manuals. There are also services where you can post PR materials on very good sites that will contain links. Such advertising is effective, but not cheap. For example, one review can cost 5-15 thousand rubles.
If you buy cheap perpetual links on a bad site, it won’t make it a good site.

7. SEO can work alone

Search engines take into account various sources of traffic to a website. It is also important for them to have a brand question that contains the company name. This is a signal indicating the popularity of the company, which means its reliability in the understanding of search engines. Without advertising and PR, the number of brand queries would not grow.
It is very important for a young website to receive a variety of traffic . Often this problem is solved with the help of contextual advertising , but it is possible to drive traffic from social networks and other sources.
If your site comes exclusively from search traffic, this could be a negative signal. This means that the site is made specifically for search and may not have any value in itself (this is what search engines think). After all, if a site has value, it will be visited by direct visits, from bookmarks, from other sites, by links from forums, etc.
As you can see, in the area of ​​website promotion, there are many myths that make it difficult to know how you can actually bring a website to the TOP. If we throw away the mythology, then promotion becomes a systematic work to improve the site according to the vision of the search engines.

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